Thread: Recipe Thread
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Old February 27, 2013, 06:29 PM   #61
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Join Date: September 19, 2012
Location: Near Gainesville Fl.
Posts: 224
Squirrel Kebabs!

After you had a full day of hunting squirrels, you are probably very hungry. Here is a recipe you can use if you like to eat your game!


- Squirrel
- Butter
- Olive Oil
- Spices (Of Your Choosing)


- Kebab Stick (Or whatever you call it )
- Low Dish, Or Cake Dish
- Grill!!


- Cut your squirrel meat into small bite size chunks, as if they aren't already small enough!!

- Layer the bottom of your dish with an even amount of melted butter and olive oil

- Dip the stick, or whatever you use to make kebabs in the mixture of butter and oil, then slip the squirrel bits on each stick depending on how much meat you have

- Now dip the 'Squirrel Kebabs' in the butter and oil, then add the spices of your choice

- Preheat the grill for about 5 minutes, then put the kebabs on the top rack

- Cook until the squirrel looks finished, (depending on your heat of course) then take the kebabs off and slide the meat on to your serving dish

- Enjoy!

PM me if you decide to try it and let me know how you like it!
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