Thread: Guns and Lead
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Old March 25, 2024, 10:58 PM   #32
Jack Ryan
Join Date: November 9, 2009
Posts: 66
My supposition was that the primary culprit was probably sweeping the concrete floor at the range on Thursday evenings. So I stopped doing that.
My guess is this is correct. Sweeping is a BIG problem with all kinds of dusts. My question is were you using any kind of sweeping compound to keep the dust down while sweeping? I never heard of "sweeping compound" until I started working in power houses but it is pretty amazing and I use some form of it all the time now in dusty situations.

Many times I've just made my own for garages and cement floors. I always have a bucket of saw dust/chips and even just stirring in a little water helps a lot to throw the wet saw dust down and then sweep it up with the dirt. I'll mostly mix in some diesel and then you can use the compound over and over until it gets too dirty to work and then throw it in the wood stove for fire starter and make new.
It is amazing how a person's opinion of a back stop can change, depending on if they are shooting toward their own house or someone else's.
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