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Old December 4, 2023, 01:59 PM   #26
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Join Date: March 2, 2014
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America has magnumitus bad. Big bores have been replaced with super fast, smaller diameter cartridges. I'm seeing more game wounded, and not tracked and collected, than before as a result. I've helped game wardens drag several dead animals out of the woods, some that only went a few hundred yards, but the slob hunters did not check their shots.
I'm not sure I'm following you correctly--are you saying too many people are using inappropriately large calibers, resulting in animals not being hit appropriately and getting away--or are they using inappropriately small high velocity cartridges and not bringing enough gun to the hunt?
"Everyone speaks gun."--Robert O'Neill
I am NOT an expert--I do not have any formal experience or certification in firearms use or testing; use any information I post at your own risk!
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