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Old March 16, 2024, 02:59 PM   #588
4V50 Gary
Join Date: November 2, 1998
Location: Colorado
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Monty and the lads in Sicily.

@Old No 7. You might want to read Philip Caine's American Pilots in the RAF and his sequel, Spitfires, Thunderbolts and War Beer. Only a handful of American pilots declined entering the Air Corps. The American Sergeant-Pilots received officers' commission which meant substantially more pay than the RAF.

Monty and the lads.

The only other occassion that I had any contact with our Commander-in-Chief was one day when we happened to be lounging around chatting outside our billet. There were three of us just sitting, talking, kicking the sand about with our feet, when one of the lads spotted a car coming over the little bridge that was opposite our billet. He realised straight way that it was Montgomery, who then pulled up and call us over. We immediately thought that we were going to get a dressing down for lounging about. As it happened we were worrying needlessly because when we got to the car, he simply asked us how we were fixed for cigarettes.

When he heard that we didn't have any he said, "Well it just so happens that I have a girlfriend in England and she sends me quite a lot, so I'm sure I can spare a few." With that he rummaged in the back of his veicle and produced some packets; he passed over about 150 in total and said, "No doubt I'll see you again", and drove off.

On our return to the billet, we told the rest of the men that Montgomery had given us some cigarettes, but they didn't believe us and just laughed. However, they eventually realised that Montgomery was probably the only person they could have come from. From then on, the men would take turns to sit outside, hoping that lightning would strike twice, but it never did.

I especially can't see either Patton or MacArthur doing that.
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