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Old June 9, 2002, 10:47 PM   #1
Blue Duck357
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Join Date: October 6, 2000
Posts: 1,460
Break Free- Why does anyone like this stuff?

I've learned not to speak ill of what experinced shooters seem to like, because their is usually a reason for it, BUT...What is the deal with so many here liking Break Free?

To me it cleans fouling, either lead or copper about as well as used motor oil, leaving a slimier mess behind though. Yet somehow after 50 rounds the slime effect seems to dissapear entirely leaving the gun as well lubricated as if you had used British tea for the job. But hey at least well after it's lurbrication qualities have broken down it's smell remains:barf:

I bought a Glock about six months back that had been cleaned heavily with the stuff I literally speed all the way home with the windows down just so I could clean it in something else to remove that stench that permiated my truck. Thought about throwing it in the bed on the way back, just a Glock anyway you know

So is it just the fact that you don't have to buy solvent and lubricant important to people or is there something about this stuff I'm just not getting???
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