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Old September 4, 2002, 09:40 AM   #12
Pat Rogers
Member in memoriam
Join Date: July 31, 2001
Posts: 303
Safety Violation


Sir, the fact that you are proud of your purchase is normal.
What is not is your blatant disregard for firearms safety and your attitude when confronted with this.

Firearms owners can always be assured of recieving notice in the press if they do something wrong, and many find a reason to do just that when they launch projectiles into themselves, friends, podiums and so forth.
There are only two kinds of firearms discharges- Justified and negligent, and i can assure you that if you are ever involved in an ND where it gets to court, that picture is going to come back to haunt you.

If you wanted to show a picture of the carbine, it was not necessary for you to be holding it (nor the revolver either)- as Perfessr points out, it is a poor picture of the carbine.

You claim the weapon to be unloaded (But, i didn't know that the gun was loaded!), yet you have the magazine- a feed device in it. Why? How do you know- really know- that a weapon is unloaded Unless You remove the ammunition supply and Lock the bolt to the Rear??? Visually and digitally inspect that chamber??

You state that, but here you are holding two firearms with your fingers on the respective triggers.
And there is absolutely no reason for that.
None. Nada.

That kind of casual attitude towards safety is what gets people killed. If you don't think so, you are wrong. Dead wrong.

A man, when confronted with his mistake, will acknowledge it, correct it and drive on.
Admit your error, and then religiously follow those four safety rules.
Don't whine. Accept the responsibility.

As for anyone that thinks that this is hammering the poster, remember that on the range, we are all safety officers. Those who are casual about the use of deadly weapons need to be counseled and then educated.
And if they fail to measure up, excommunicated.
We- as a community, cannot afford to tolerate this behavior. We don't need to give the other side any more ammunition when they claim that we are all idiots.

Pat sends

Last edited by Pat Rogers; September 4, 2002 at 01:42 PM.
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