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Old March 16, 2006, 10:11 PM   #5
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Join Date: January 18, 2005
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Our deadly force policy prevents us from shooting at a vehicle in order to cause it to be inoperable. If the driver of the vehicle is the source of the threat, and dealy force is justified, than deadly force must be used against the driver, not the vehicle.
That's odd. The .357 magnum was invented for just that purpose: disabling a vehicle. The .357 was designed originally to penetrate engine blocks.

But that is odd. Seems to me stopping the bad guy with whatever option is available should be the policy. Again, yes the vehicle could lose control and flip, but the same thing would happen if the driver of the vehicle is hit. Tires (especially on an 18 wheeler) are larger targets and more exposed than a man covered inside the vehicle
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