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Old March 17, 2006, 03:36 PM   #20
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Join Date: August 23, 2004
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Everything I have heard backs up 'newerguy'. Spinning rubber has a high likelihood of deflecting any bullet. Even if the car was sitting still you would have a dificult time puncturing the tire as most bullets are either going to deform or just bounce right off (thinking FMJ).

I think most police departments have gotten to the point where 'If you fire your weapon, it better be because the guy is going to kill you or kill someone else.' They want to discourage any kind of nonsense like shooting a gun out of a bad guy's hand, shooting to disable or shooting out someone's tires.

I mean it makes sense to me, when you start firing the gun, it better be for a lethal reason. There are far better tools to use to stop a car. And if the need is great enough, you take out the driver.
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