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Old November 22, 2006, 11:07 AM   #18
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Join Date: December 17, 2004
Posts: 261
I'd consider my dad a "rifleman". He spent his formative years doing 2 tours in Vietnam in the Marines w/the 3 Battalion 5th Marines, 66-67. Then spent 30 years as a police officer. He taught me how to shoot, how to deer hunt, and a lot more.

I consider myself a good shot, and a good hunter. But after growing up with a real Rifleman, I'm under no illusion that I'm in the same league. He's forgotten more than I will ever know probably. Some of my first memories of him shooting with me involve him taking my Red Ryder bb gun out of my hands and knocking down all the tin cans I had set up, shooting from the hip, having never shot that little bb gun before.

You can learn to shoot, train your mind and body, and learn all the things you need to learn to become a Rifleman, and I believe you should. Too many people do not anymore. But you will never know if you are the real deal or not until you have been baptized by fire, seen what happens when there are real Riflemen shooting back at you. Am I a Rifleman? I don't know. I like to think I might be something close, but I have no real way of knowing.
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