Thread: Saiga Shotgun
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Old January 19, 2008, 05:59 PM   #11
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Join Date: September 13, 2007
Location: Fond du Lac, WI
Posts: 115
Spent about six hours at the show today. Not a Saiga in the building. No shotguns, AK's in x39 or .308. My Law-12 will have to do for a while longer. A few of the "usual suspects" I spoke with at the show that have one really like it. They commented about how the supply has dried up over the past six months or so. Lots of rumors about more coming soon but at higher prices. Oh well. What else is new.
Lots of other AK's from all over the world at the show. Nothing more expensive than $500-$525 for even the more nicely tricked out versions. I didn't leave without spending a few $$$ though. Got a case of .308, some '03 parts I needed and other misc. Good show but no Saiga. Now I have to save up a few more $$$ but, the hunt goes on.
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