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Old August 17, 1999, 08:54 PM   #26
Join Date: May 8, 1999
Posts: 63
In my case I'd be dead meat because of my location -rowhouse near a major city. Now if you live out in the suburbs and have a little land then I recommend doing what they did in a Tom Sellack movie with Bess Armstrong. I can't remember the title but Tom was a Pilot and I think Bess was also. Anyway, there is this scene where one faction is putting a siege on a strong hold, artillery and everything. The head cheese makes it look like he is running out of steam and the seiging forces start running across the field towards the stronghold. All of the sudden the Head guy in the stronghold start hitting detonation plungers and the field where the opposing forces are running across turns into crater killing most, really cool. So if you have some land and plant charges all through it, act like your weakening and when the poor bastards come [color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color] footing across let'em have it. But you still better have an escape route. Speaking of which does anyone know the biggest diameter you can get PVC in?

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