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Old November 2, 2008, 06:36 PM   #93
Senior Member
Join Date: April 13, 2002
Location: Northeast Georgia
Posts: 374
To those advocating clearing your house on your own, I strongly suggest getting some FOF experience at a reputable training center. Nothing drives home the point of how dangerous it is better than getting repeatedly shot with Simunitions for 8 hours.

I have also been trained in building clearing, and I absolutely will not do it unless I have no other choice. "No other choice" in this context is defined as either my wife or child is on the opposite end of the house from me with a BG between us.
“High speed isn't about gun, gear or tactics. High speed is executing the basics perfectly no matter what, cold, wet, day, night, tired. That’s high speed."
-Paul Howe
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