Thread: Bear defense
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Old May 22, 2000, 06:12 PM   #4
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Join Date: December 10, 1999
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Anecdote time.

Use my late Uncle Bud. When I was a kid we went to Yosemite with Uncle Bud. He was a rancher, 6'5" and about 350 lbs. We came upon some cubs up a tree. Like idiots we went to see them. MY folks were leery but Uncle Bud said it was OK.

As we approached the tree, Mama bear came a-runnin. She was in a full charge when U.B. yelled at her. He said "Gawddammit, you just SHUT UP!" She stopped in her tracks. He waved his hat at her and yelled (all he did was yell all the time anyway so he had practice) "We ain't gonna hurt yore babies, Gawdammit!" So just SHUT UP! He then walked CLOSER to the cubs and took a good long look and then just ambled away. The bear waited until he had gone abt. 40 yds before approaching her cubs.

It happened. Not smart. But I bet in a fight, he wudda beat her.
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