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Old April 11, 2009, 09:21 PM   #59
Senior Member
Join Date: March 28, 2009
Location: Kansas
Posts: 348
Hello everyone. I am Duane C, grew up in Kansas and mostly Nebraska, hence the Huskerguy name. Lots of bird hunting for years and some deer hunting. Wife and I shot quite a bit until we had kids, well she actually had the kids, I just watched. Did some reloading over 25 years ago and just got all my stuff out and can't remember everything and a great deal has certainly changed. I have two brothers in law who are gun fanatics and have massive collections. I am just now getting back in to and it is a blast - very expensive, but a blast. I am in school administration and specialize in taking on schools or colleges in trouble so I haven't had time to do anything for the past 10 years and man I miss working with powder, bullets, and cleaning guns. This site is wonderful and even if I don't get home until late at night I have to check it. It is right after I check Nebraska football, Boston Red Sox baseball and then this. Sorry but those are passions as well. Any help in the reloading is greatly appreciated. By the way I am a very young and fit 55 with a wonderful wife, two grown and successful kids and I live smack dab in the center of Kansas and serve a great God and live in a wonderful country.
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