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Old September 8, 2000, 06:29 AM   #12
Senior Member
Join Date: March 15, 2000
Posts: 143
Most of the guys I know got out after 1 hitch. It's just not worth the bull. Those that tried a 2nd hitch got out after that. I was told about the good old days when you had senior NCO's going to bat for you or your Capt fighting to get what you need but all I saw were NCO's & officers writing up anyone and ruining young military careers before they could even start. I saw officers that would not stand up for what was right because it wasn't PC or wouldn't help them get the next rank.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Marines and the guys I served with were great but the "upper managment" really sucked. We need more officers like Col. Hackworth and Chesty Puller... but you see what happens to people who call it like they see it and do the right thing. They end up being forced out by all the REMF's.

My dad was a Marine, that is why I joined. Will I encourage my son to do the same? I don't know. It doesn't seem like the same place anymore.

For all those on active duty still out there in the trenches it's not you I'm talking about. You are the reason the Military has not completly failed. Keep the faith and keep pushing your command staff to do the right thing.Deep down they know what it is they just need to be reminded.

"Some people spend an entire liftime wondering if they made a difference. Marines don't have that problem."
Semper Fi
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