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Old January 22, 2010, 02:33 AM   #19
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Join Date: October 9, 2009
Location: North Alabama
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saw this once

I got sent to a car deer MVA one time. As I pulled into the campground entrance and my headlights swept the guard shack and the two vehicles parked adjacent, a smallish whitetail doe jumped up, ran about 50 feet, hit the end of a rope tied about its neck, and crash landed in a pile right there. Darn thing was tied to the flag pole.

I get out, "what the blue blazes" says I, and begin to sort things through.
Turns out that one veh is two college babes who have struck the deer, driven to this point to report same. The second veh is two yocals (think Deliverance) who came upon the babes and deer on roadside. They caught the dazed deer, loaded it in their truck, , and followed the babes to the station. They then tied it off on the flag pole so it couldn't "get away".

"We want the deer, but knew we couldn't kill it. Can you give us permission to have it, and shoot the deer too?" say the Bubba's.

Now the critter has obviously regained its senses. I have witnessed it try to leave under its own power once, it seems more blown and exhausted from trying to escape, then broken down and crippled from the collision. Heck, if they'd not tied it up it would have already been gone!!!!!

"I can't shoot around this station and parking lot and these people" says I.
"Look, I'm a pretty good shot,....... get it pointed away from the buildings and people, cut it loose, and I'll shoot it before it reaches the wood line, away from everything".

So I position myself at an intercepting angle.

The Bubba's call out "You ready?" and I draw and nod.

They release the deer, and it blows past me and may still be running for all I know. I reholster and the look on their faces is beyond description.

"You didn't shoot!!!!!!!!"

"Looked pretty healthy to me"

They cussed all the way over to their truck and may still be cussing.
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