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Old June 28, 2010, 12:46 PM   #16
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Join Date: February 2, 2007
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None that I can think of. There are rounds that I don't care for or understand but for me to give a hoot if someone else wants to like em and talk about em.....come on. Maybe some should open their ears and their minds to learn something. Is a caliber a niche round? So what. I see a list of cartridges here that are very good at what they do and better at everyday things than many of the so-called "good" calibers. On the list I see many great cartridges that to ignore would be stupid. Others on the list are so obsolete and never talked about that to dislike a conversation about them is a mute point. Can't complain about threads or discussions on a caliber that never See's a thread or discussion. I can see advantages and disadvantages to all the cartridges listed.

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