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Old August 4, 2011, 02:50 PM   #21
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Join Date: December 21, 2010
Location: Osceola, IN
Posts: 258
Deer meat

Have to share this with all who hunt deer and either process their own deer or take it to a processor. After years of deer both processed by ourselves (pops and I) or by other processor we started only going to this one processor...even though he is an hour or more away from our main place we hunt here in Indiana (He's in MI). The reason was because after years of thinking we loved venison we were shocked with how much better that first deer we took to him was than any of the other deer we'd ever had...

Why was it though? Well we've become very good friends with the guy and he shared with us the biggest mistake a lot of people make with deer meat:

They hang it for hours, a night, a day or days....

The absolute worst thing you could do he said. He learned from an old time butcher that deer are the same as I believe it was goats and sheep (but don't quote me on it, I'll find out for sure) that the second their bloodline has stopped they start to rot from the inside/bones out...unlike beef where the belief is to hang it to cure it in order to taste better.

We've since introduced numerous hunters to this guy and they will never go back to another processor ever again...also the buddies of mine who do their own meat have since tried to clean the deer as quick as possible and they were amazed at the taste difference!

He also debones everything and never touches a saw...because cutting the bone would partially defeat the purpose of cleaning it quickly.
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