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Old May 2, 2001, 01:21 PM   #1
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From an e-mail I recieved today:

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:; <undisclosed-recipients:;>
Date: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:06 AM
Subject: Here We Go Again; Blast The Bastards Until They Squeal (Sam

May 2, 2001

Friends, if this connects to you in any way, please pass this message along, far and wide.

BANK OF AMERICA DISCRIMINATES AGAINST WOMEN, THE ELDERLY, THE HANDICAPPED, AND AMERICA ITSELF. How? Because it discriminates against gun owners, and would therefore make us all into a country of disarmed victims, harming the weakest the most.

Bank of America has refused credit-card processing to Arizona Response Systems, a gunsmithing business in Phoenix, because "Bank of America does not provide merchant services to the gun industry." This new policy was confirmed by a corporate spokesman, Daniel Schulman of their San Francisco headquarters office.

THIS IS AN EXACT REPLAY of last year, when Citibank refused merchant services to the Nevada Pistol Academy of Las Vegas. I was one of several people who independently called for a national boycott then, and I said we COULD make a difference. WE DID. The news of the Citibank boycott spread on the Internet, reached the newspapers, and even made it to network television. I was interviewed on a Fox Network News television segment, aired nationally on February 28, 2000. I said two things:

First : There are over eighty million lawful and responsible gun owners in this country, and we're SICK AND TIRED of being treated like criminals.

Second: "Tear up your credit cards; close your accounts!"

It took a few weeks, but Citibank changed its policy. WE WON.

NOW IT'S TIME TO DO IT AGAIN, BUT EVEN BETTER. Bank of America is now the largest bank in the country. Good! That means they're everywhere, and we can hit them everywhere.

Tear up your Bank of America credit cards! Close your Bank of America accounts! If you own B of A stock, sell it! Thinking of a mortgage or a car loan from Bank of America? Go elsewhere! Withdraw all business from Bank of America! And TELL THEM WHY.

Most importantly, PASS THE WORD. Tell everyone you know: BANK OF AMERICA DISCRIMINATES -- BOYCOTT THEM.

You can reach Ken Lewis, Chairman and CEO of Bank of America, at
100 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, North Carolina

I'm sure he'd like to hear from all of us. When you write, please add the "RKBA!" signature line (and don't forget the exclamation point). Shareholders may want to call their shareholder relations office, at 800/521-3984.

And, you can call Shirley Norton at their risk management public relations office in San Francisco, at 415/622-4041.

Ask B of A if their "gun industry" policy applies to serious weapons-makers -- the Raytheons and Lockheed-Martins and other defense contractors that all large banks do business with. Tell them that their policy discriminates against all the Americans who have chosen the only effective way to protect themselves, their families, and, ultimately, their country.

And there are a lot of us. When even the Los Angeles Times admits that one out of four households owns guns, they have to pay attention.

Ask them if they think no further than "guns kill, therefore guns are bad," or if they'd rather have their daughters and granddaughters say "stop or I'll call 911" instead of "stop or I'll shoot."

Ask them if they know that New York City and Washington, DC are the most dangerous places in the country because the rapists, muggers, and burglars know that their victims are unarmed, thanks to the city government.

Tell them that their contempt for the most fundamental of all human rights, that of self-defense, is nothing less than obscene.

Ask them if they want a society where only the government has guns, and to ask the Jews under Hitler, or the Soviets under Stalin, or the Cambodians under Pol Pot, how that works.

Ask them, If people surrender their ability to resist authority gone bad, can they predict what could happen, even in this country, in a few generations?

But remind them that there are still patriots in this country, and among them are eighty-three million gun owners. Maybe we can't dump tea into Boston harbor, but we can dump their bank.


Sam Cohen

**** RKBA! (...the exclamation point means "shall not be infringed!")


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