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Old September 11, 2001, 08:23 PM   #278
Jody Hudson
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Well, I know about 40 pages of technical details MORE than I did before about skyscraper construction and about that of the WTC in particular.

Also, I suspect that the fuel in those few floors and what went down the elevator shafts and stairs did, after an hour get the temperature up high enough to dramatically weaken those several floors almost at once.

The design being all perimeter support then may have had as many as 10 floors weakened almost simultaneously and those fell on the ones below. I can visualize it much differently now. In the areas where the previous bombing was, there were lots of pilars supporting the floors all through the middle areas. In the upper floors there were none.

I sincerly apologize for my heated antagonism about this situation and appreciate everyone staying civil toward me!

I hope that one of our proposed responses is to build back an even larger, stronger, more advanced building; one which can be an exercise in the best that international cooperation can achieve and that the building serve as a monument to our planetary cooperation. Perhaps it could be a monument to something good that all nations could support with important corporate, government and social head quarters from around the world. Perhaps it could be an international monument of understanding; greater in size and usefullness than any before it. And hopefully it can be dedicated to edify the Universal God whomever and whatever that may be for each of us. Not a sermon; just a thought.
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