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Old March 30, 2023, 06:21 AM   #39
Senior Member
Join Date: June 9, 2015
Posts: 190
Thank you for all the helpful replies. Its nice to see several people share my concern. I've checked out a lot of the resources on this thread and am attempting to take the advice I can. Again not a lot of class options that fit my schedule.

I think the other thing that has become apparent to me after reading this thread is that the idea of proficient and good are different things to different people. As I reflect on why I wrote this post I think that might be the crux of my problem. As I read posts or watch Youtube the idea of what a good shooter looks like gets skewed. I get to the range once or twice a month if I'm lucky. I have many interests in shooting and my tastes vary depending on the day so a trip to the range may be .22 pistols or shotgun sports, or sighting in my bolt guns. I don't focus on one discipline most of the time. The only exception to that is my carry guns (1 summer/1 winter) that I practice with enough to feel comfortable with all the time. In the case of my expectations I want to be feel confident that I can put an entire magazine directionally where I aim at 7-10 yards. I can do that. Its not super fast, groups are not the size of a nickel, and I'm sure I could improve. While I will try to improve after reading the posts here for my needs I think I'm proficient and even good for my needs. I'm not a competitive shooter in any discipline and consider myself a hobbyist at best. I like guns. I like shooting guns. I'm good enough to hit what I aim at with in reasonable distances to what I would ever need. Maybe thats good enough.
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