Thread: Dry fire mag?
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Old April 23, 2023, 02:48 PM   #5
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
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A dry fire mag for striker fired guns. Lets you keep pulling the trigger without having to rack the slide. Pretty interesting concept.
I took the link, watched the video, noticed a couple things that kill my interest.

First, it appears to be only for GLocks. I don't do GLocks.

Second, and more importantly for me, the trigger pull produced using their dry fire mag is different than the normal trigger pull of the gun. I do give them credit for pointing that out in the video, though.

But for me, that is a deal breaker. IF they made (Or someday make) their dry fire mag for a pistol I do use, if it produced a different trigger pull than the gun normally does, its a very poor training aid, and could even be counter productive.

As I see it, the point to dry firing (snapping in) is for everything to be as close to live fire as possible, without actually firing live ammo.

One thing I noticed is that the dry fire mag had a different reset point than the stock gun did. I see that as a potential problem/training issue. IF you are one of the shooters who trains to release the trigger only to its reset point, you might put yourself in a bad situation training with the dry fire mag.

The video showed the dry fire mag causing the trigger to reset earlier and the pull being lighter than what the gun did when not using the training mag.

THAT is a potential issue, as I see it.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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