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Old September 10, 2023, 06:16 PM   #1
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Beretta 1301 Mesa Tactical Urbino pistol grip stock

Just wondering if anyone has one installed on their 1301 - I got me that aftermarket pistol grip stock a couple days ago and sent it back after right after installing it on my 1301.

The stock has just two tiny ill-fitting plastic pegs that fit into the rear end of the receiver and no matter how hard I cranked down the rear stock screw it kept rotating if I bumped it hard enough. The fit between the receiver and the stock is basically just a friction fit.

I've seen lots of 1301 fitted with those stocks and I have absolutely no idea how people can be happy with them.

Here is a picture of the original stock (FDE) and the black Mesa Tactical Urbino stock. I put a red circle around the mounting surfaces that go into the receiver and prevent the stocks from rotating/shifting

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