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Old September 22, 2023, 08:59 AM   #6
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I think Tunnel Rat is spot on. There is so much material to cover that it is impossible to do it all in one class. The other thing to consider is the instructor doesn't know who you are and what experience you have. I did a Handgun Tactics 101 class even though I've been shooting for 25 years. The guys in my practical shooting class recommended it, and they go back to that class as a refresher periodically.

There are other classes offered like close quarter tactics, which may be more what you are looking for. This instructor used to teach at Gunsite but branched out on his own.

I also recently started doing IDPA matches. While some may feel these kinds of matches are "gamed", there are a lot of benefits to this kind of shooting that you can't do at most ranges. This includes shooting on the move, engaging multiple targets, and shooting quickly.
The ATF should be a convenience store instead of a government agency!

Last edited by stephen426; September 24, 2023 at 06:07 AM.
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