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Old September 23, 2023, 12:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by MarkCO View Post
I agree 100%. If you will look, I have said on this forum that the "draw" is over-emphasized and most of my classes, I start students off from the low ready. Then to SUL. The holster is merely a place to keep the handgun during those classes. Having been on the stand, and investigated a lot of SD shootings, the draw mattered in only a few.

I should have added more modifiers to my response. It's just too generous of a time to press anyone to improve. While the draw is hardly ever an issue in SD, heck, for most, they won't ever even use a firearms in SD their entire life. But practice should still be a thing.

I've not done a Bill Drill, in practice, ever, as I don't think it is a good drill to burn in. I do dot drills, scrambler drills and Mozambique's, mixed in with decision making targets (Numbers, Colors and Shapes) that are fired up by command, even with math at times. Most of my drills are getting off the X and I hardly ever run drills, or train students when movement is not a part of the exercise.

My Nephew is in the Academy right now. He was pretty rough, and par for the course, after a few sessions with me at the range, he has moved past most of the folks in his class as a result.

I think we’re of similar mind.

It’s good to hear the perspective of someone who has been in court proceedings for this, because I feel like the “shooting community” has a tendency to get disconnected from reality at times.

I agree that the time itself as presented originally wouldn’t push someone, but I wanted to add some understanding for people reading about how that time can break down and where the challenges can lie.

I think people can get religious about certain drills, and I brought up the Bill Drill as an example. I think the Bill Drill is okay if used as intended as a means to practice recoil control at speed while maintaining an accuracy standard. If you shoot it ad nauseum and build a “training scar” where you always fire 6 rounds when you shoot your firearm, then you can well see yourself in trouble where you are firing rounds without evaluating whether a threat has evolved.
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