Thread: Lock time?
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Old October 12, 2023, 10:53 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Geezerbiker View Post
Is there any easy way to measure the improvement in lock time?


If you have a newer modal Mirrorless camera with 1/8000s (or faster) electronic shutter, and a Pluto trigger for it, you can get close. But it is still an involved and arduous process, and then you have to be able to analyze the video. You can also rent a high speed camera, like 1/100,000 s and faster. They run several hundred dollars a day. But, if you have a bunch of things set up to do at once, you can get a lot of Youtube hits.

A cheaper way, but more precise and still not simple, is a very sensitive accelerometer capable of picking up the vibrations from the release of the sear. Those can be rented from various scientific supply houses.

At one point in time, it was a simple and easy thing for me to do as I could just walk into the lab at my Engineering school and do it. Now it takes scheduling, and Campus police escort and all kinds of other issues.
Good Shooting, MarkCO
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