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Old March 23, 2024, 12:52 PM   #26
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 29,011
i gotta hand it to the ruskies though. they made a revolver where when you cocked the trigger, the cyl moved forward to engage the bbl. what a concept.
The Nagant gas seal revolver...designed by a Belgian, a concept adopted by no one else, only Czarist Russia. 1890s tech, dead end complicated design, though today it is almost "steampunk cool". Early guns were DA or SA, after the Soviets took over, they only made DA version. The ones I've seen had rough, heavy trigger pulls.
The gun loads through a loading gate, does not have a swing out cylinder, and fires a rather weak .30 caliber round used by nothing else.

Interesting concept, less than stellar execution.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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