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Old March 23, 2024, 11:47 PM   #10
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Powder coating is definitely a game changer for casting. I doubt I would have even started casting if PC wasn't so easy. Lubrisizers are expensive, and the liquid Alox method seems less than ideal (on top of needing special Lee molds). I was casting and PCing bullets that shot great after my first casting session (I culled that whole session, that was my learning curve was one casting session of about an hour).

For PC, I don't use the airsoft BB method. I simply preheat the projectiles to be coated to a little less than "can barely stand to hold it in my hand hot," then throw in a bin with powder. Swirl them around for a minute, and they're coated. Often too thickly and not evenly. Then I swirl them around in an empty bin, dumping them into another empty bin. The loose powder will still be in the bottom of the bin, and you can dump this into your Powder bin. Repeat this until there is almost no loose powder in the bottom of the bin after swirling. I then bake to the powder manufacturers specs, and dump them in water immediately after pulling out of the oven. I size after PCing. It's literally so easy a cave man could do it.
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