Thread: Fire forming...
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Old March 27, 2024, 10:38 PM   #14
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Fire forming, major fire forming in particular, by definition is to spread given amount of brass over bigger area. It is a weakening process. So I tend to avoid doing it if I have a choice. I did it on rare occasions when absolutely had to. Low pressure, multiple passes is the way.

Minor forming, however, I have done a lot. Never have to do it in as dedicated step though. For instance, pushing out shoulder of .303. The first time I shoot the ammo, it is done. I just don't size the shoulder back. I may consider loading the first load light if it is new brass, instead of loaded ammo.

OP method is ok, except that the round is probably head spaced by the extractor claw instead of the bullet jamming into the riflings. I doubt the bullet hold alone is strong enough to counter the firing strike. If not for the extractor, the round probably will misfire just like handgun round with high primer.


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