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Old March 28, 2024, 12:40 PM   #28
Mike P. Wagner
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Join Date: January 25, 2001
Posts: 453
Originally Posted by Recycled bullet View Post
For me, the price of the ammunition is a greater encouragement or deterrent than the cost of the gun.
I think this is huge - I am a little surprised at how many friends of mine how concealed carry say, “I haven’t been to the range in months. I really need to get back there and send a few down range.”

And six or eight months later, they are still saying the same thing.

I wonder how many people who carry actually shoot enough to be pretty certain of where there rounds are going to go if they ever need to fire their weapon.

One of the instructors where I shoot likes to talk about “little Timmy” - if someone misses a target, he says something like, “Poor Timmy. He’s never going to grow up to be a doctor now.”

He’s being funny - but also making a point.

I don’t carry at this point, in part because I don’t think that my accuracy/gun handling skill are up to snuff.

To improve those skills, I go the range and shoot for about an hour - probably 150-200 rounds on average.

I would think that to me a reasonable minimum for improving or maintaining if yo are carrying.

Call that 7500 rounds/year.

Right now, I mostly shoot 5.7x28 - I know, ouch. At about 50 cents a round, that’s $3750/year in ammo.

I also have a 9mm, and I get that ammo for about 18 cents a round, or about $1350.
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