Thread: Guns and Lead
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Old April 26, 2024, 12:15 AM   #34
Join Date: April 24, 2024
Posts: 29
At least they still have a trap league, but those kerfuffles are what get them cancelled so it's important to stay on top of that.
Around here the last of the school clubs for that age bracket were eliminated & relegated to air rifles until those leagues were banned too over whining about evil this & that. Can't have kids learning to be responsible & safe with tools!

I like Jerry Miculek's approach to handling the risk, use a large fan even when shooting outdoors. It won't stop exposure completely but there is a mitigation factor. This all being up to the individual of course, if it were mandated, I'd be against it.

That being said, any metal dust/particulate floating in the air puts the zap on my lungs. Grinding, welding or just heating a stuck fastener with a torch nukes them. A hot shower & eight hours of sleep usually clears that up but it's annoying.
Odd thing is that none of that bothered me until I quit smoking after 21 years, prior to that I'd laugh at the thought of using a respirator for anything, even handling asbestos. Only raw diesel fumes bothered me then.
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