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Old April 29, 2024, 09:03 AM   #53
dogtown tom
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Originally Posted by Aguila Blanca View Post
s3779m, I'm going to guess that dogtown tom posted that for the same reason I did in post #42. Perhaps you should go back and review your posts objectively, instead of defensively.
And what did I say about the people overturning SCOTUS decisions?
And what was the question I asked?

What I posted, and still stand by, the founding fathers wrote in the DOI that mankind had the right to overthrow and abolish a government, institute a new one. Thus, imo, making the people the final power. The people can abolish the government, not the other way around. That was in a suggestion to his statement/question
You "are standing by" something that was superseded by the Constitution.
We aren't governed by the Declaration of Independence, as our founding fathers instead wrote the Constitution to actually govern us. I learned this in third grade.

Please provide evidence that "we the people are supposed to be the highest authority in all matters government" and can change a SCOTUS decision....get back to us
fine, lets hear what his thoughts are, as I have not given mine on that matter.
Sorry, I asked you first.

If that quote is NOT WHAT HE MEANT, great, let's hear what he meant.
Again, for the fifth or sixth time, the quote is from georgehwbush.
Again for the fifth or sixth time, you took exception with my rebuttal of "I've never heard or read anything of the sort.
I would be interested in knowing were you heard that."
Again, you replied "Right here" citing not the Constitution, federal law or a court case but the Declaration of Independence.

That's part of having a discussion. These other statements, maybe you can explain the relevance to me as I can not see what they bring to the discussion.
You haven't discussed, you've obfuscated and avoided answering the question by whining "I didn't post that". I addressed who made the quote FIVE DAYS AGO.

The DOI is not dead, the constitution did not cancel it out.
The purpose of the DOI wasn't to be law. It was not legislation. It was an assertion of the rights of people to choose their own government. Again, it was not law, not legislated, not legally binding.

You can keep babbling about what influence or effect the Declaration has, but in fact it has zero. The founders knew that, because the Constitution WAS THE framework for governance. The DOI was WHY we declared our independence from governance by the King, the Constitution is how our founding fathers planned governance.
Of note is that not one US Supreme Court case has ever been based on the Declaration of Independence. Not one. Not ever.

You asked "lets hear what his thoughts are".......well that's them.

georghwbush's assertion: "we the people are supposed to be the highest authority in all matters government" is based on a flawed premise. That premise being the DOI somehow invalidates the Constitution. It doesn't.

You supported that assertion.
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