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Old December 4, 2001, 10:01 PM   #15
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Join Date: November 20, 2000
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Ok, I need some more help with the barrel resonanance. It has been said that a rifle barrel is like a wind chime. You have wind chimes, hollow tubes of metal cut to different lengths. Each hollow tube has a different resonant frequency or tone that is exhibited when it is stuck. Same with an antenna or organ pipes; shorter antennas or pipes are resonant at higher frequencies and the longer it gets the lower it's resonant frequency. As I understand this theory, putting a shim against the barrel simply changes the resonant frequency by allowing less of the barrel to vibrate similar to the way a guitar string changes frequency when your finger presses it against the guitar neck. The way I view the BOSS system is that you screw a tube in and out thus changing the barrel length or resonanant frequency of the barrel. Normally you would "work up a load" by changing powder charges or OAL of your loaded round in an attempt to have the bullet leave the barrel at a null in the vibration cycle. With the BOSS you are leaving the load alone and adjusting the vibration cycle instead.
That is the way I have always looked at it and I could be wrong (this happens more often than I like).
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