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Old December 10, 2001, 05:48 PM   #11
Chuck Ames
Join Date: September 27, 1999
Posts: 84
The only reasons that I know of for lasers are
1. They look cool
2. You're operating at night with NVGs which if you haven't done it, sucks.
3. It might be intimidating if you were holding someone at gunpoint and told them "hey, look at the red dot on your chest" but how many of us train that way with them.
4. In most gunfights the bad guy will be too busy shooting at you to notice.
5. If you're not training with the sights, and focusing on the trigger press, you can easily pull the gun off target like Pendragon said.

So unless you are operating with NVGs, they don't really do a lot for you.
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