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Old May 9, 2002, 09:00 AM   #64
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Join Date: April 16, 2002
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Posts: 181
Agree with you in part. You have expressed the exact purpose of the 2nd Amendment, the right of the people to organize in militias to ensure the security of a free state. Perhaps the answer to this poll is for the law-abiding to organize (at the county level, perhaps under the sheriff?) into militias (NOT the National Guard, which is a part of the Army Reserve system). These militias provide a Constitutional cover and the numbers to be an effective deterrent to the imposition of tyranny in our country. However, the 2nd amendment could be superseded by an international treaty that disarmed civilians (signed by the President and ratified by the Senate, no vote by representatives necessary). [According to the Constitution, treaties become the law of the land, other provisions in the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding.] What to do then? I'd expect a UN force would be the executors of such a treaty, since foreigners would have less compunction about shooting Americans over guns (we do it to them all the time under UN mandates in third world countries).
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