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Old November 4, 2002, 12:08 PM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: March 14, 2000
Posts: 107
Coronach: I wish i was kidding.

My dog almost collapsed a lung whining to get out of her yard yesterday to chase them. And my wife is complaining that the emu's are stomping on her wild flowers.

There are two of them - maybe a breeding pair as the larger one has the bright blue head feathers (male) while the smaller one is all gray/brown.

They might not be escapees - no bands/brands/markings that i could see - so I'm guessing they are just feral. An emu/ostrich ranch about 10 miles away went bust several years ago so that's likely where they originated. My suspicion is that some local development may be pushing them out so they are looking for a new home.

I've got a call in to FWC - my understanding is that hunting exotics is not controlled and ferals (like hogs for example) are the property of the landowner. AFAIK they can be taken with anything from a crossbow to a .50 BMG.

If my county animal control can't trap 'em and i can catch them on my property.......pass that drumstick !

I have other options (.45 ACP, .45 Colt, 9mm, .303, and .308), but don't know what part of that 3 ft diameter ball of feathers to aim at.

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