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Old April 1, 2002, 09:33 PM   #11
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Join Date: September 16, 2001
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Hey, crash12bandit, as a non-American I sometimes feel a bit "different" from the majority around here, but in this case I think I can speak on behalf of most TFL'ers and say that we disagree with you. But at least we're talking, that's a start.

I think you have a couple of things wrong here. First, you demonize guns, as if they were responsible for violence and racism (?!). Guns are just tools. Murders are committed by a lot of other means. Just because Agatha Christie used to "kill" people with arsenic isn't a reason to ban rat poison, is it?

Second, you believe a "gun culture" will lead to carnage. I believe it is the other way around. When people know and respect guns, they are less likely to abuse them. Look at my post above. Look at places like Norway and Switzerland and the US outside of the big cities, the amount of gun related crime is actually quite low. And I believe DC, the American "murder capital" has even stricter gun laws than Britain. You are confusing "gun culture" with "crime culture" - they are two very different things.

And there are arguments for or against arming/disarming the police that have nothing to do with the above. You mention lack of trust in your law enforcement, if that is true, I'm sorry. (BTW, weapons of mass destruction would be nuclear and chemical/bacteriological weapons - I wouldn't trust most police officers with those, either )

Our police are unarmed by choice, not (just) because the politicians say so. Most officers actually prefer to be unarmed, even in a society that most foreigners would consider "armed to the teeth".
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