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Old April 2, 2005, 06:59 PM   #4
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Join Date: February 15, 2005
Location: Pensacola, Fl
Posts: 3,092
"Those of you who found "miss right", how did you do it!"

I've managed to do it twice.

First time, well, I found an "old fashioned" girl, who was raised on a ranch in West Texas around guns her whole life. Guns were part of the culture, so it wasn't an issue.

Second time around, I was older and had that much less time on my hands for "trolling", I posted a profile on one of the internet match sites that included that tidbit about my interests, along with other tidbits (like fishing). Ok, so I got a whole bunch of hate responses, but not all were that way, and they knew right from the get-go where I stood. And one of them stood out, and here she is. BTW -- she was born and raised in the W NC/E Tenn area, a hillbil.. er, "mountain girl". Again, guns were part of the culture.

BTW -- you did the right thing, cutting things short and not dragging out a so called relationship which would be doomed to failure.

CraZkid -- what part of the country are you in? Are you locked into "Blue Country"? Are you able to "troll" in more conservative areas, especially rural areas? You'll have "better fishing" there. It is like fishing -- if you want to find a nice, conservative woman who is more likely to not be anti-gun, you'll have to look where nice, conservative non-anti-gun women actually are.
Formerly lived in Ga, but now I'm back in Tx! Aaaand, now I'm off to Fla...
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