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Old January 10, 2006, 11:45 PM   #2
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Join Date: July 10, 2004
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Chinese sks: (non C&R ) with out swapping out 7 listed parts you can still change stock to montecarlo stock but not a folding stock/ or draganov pistol grip
You can add a scope mount.
You can take the bayonette off but cant add a bayo to a rifle that doesnt have one.
To add any of the following features you would need to swap out 7 listed parts: detachable mags any size, non-detachable over 10 yes that includes the chinese 20 round fixed ones, folding or dragonov stock, independant pistol grip, forward pistol grip, bayonette, or a collapsing stock.
C&R SKS: Without swapping out 7 or 8 parts if it has a grenade launcher you can simple add a scope mount and C&R staus is not destroyed.
Subtracting parts off of a C&R rifle will void the protected status. Taking the bayonette, original stock, grenade launcher, grenade sites, or night sites off voids C&R status. When C&R status is voided the options are
A. take the other nonimportable features off like the bayonette, grenade launcher, grenade launching sites, and night sites thereby turing the rifle into an importable configuration and then replace no more than the stock for a sporter montecarlo stock and all is compliant.
B. Replace 7 or 8 listed parts and then your sks is exempt from import law and you can have anything on it that regular US made rifles have including the bayonette, grenade launcher, and the other original features.

All the above is based on federal law. Some states like California have more restrictions.

Some good advise however is avoid aftermarket duckbill detachable mags they are mostly junk. Such will turn the sks into a useless weapon.
If you own a Chinese SKS you can get a good montecarlo stock from Choate they are the best aftermarket stocks I have seen. Alot of people regret the ATI ones after they bought them. Staying with just a sporter montecarlo stock with the Chinese SKS relieves you of having to play the parts reduction game.
If you have a yugo, romainian, russian, etc keep it original to avoid a headache. If you even want to do just a montecarlo stock with these C&R ones that alone forces more changes like either stripping evil features or playing the parts swapout game.
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