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Old July 22, 2008, 12:32 AM   #43
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He wasn't stating that in reference to how to attack them, he opposed attacking them, he is trying to get people to empathize for the motives of the terrorists. Not necessarily in the specific sentence you are referencing but clearly in the rest of his statements.

In observing the place people come from in their statements you can see what their real perspective are whether or not they realize they are communicating them.

For example, if someone were to say 'when people aren't smart enough to earn their own living there should be a place for them to turn for support in a compassionate government." It reveals that they believe stupidity is a widespread enough problem that it deserves government attention and it reveals that they think government is an answer for people's problems.

Obama's statements reveal he feels that on some level the lives these people led could lead someone to terrorism and that the US is responsible on some level for the condition of that life. It acquits the terrorists of what they really were, radical Islamic Fascists and what they did is completely unacceptable regardless of what life experience you have had.

There is absolutely no rationalizing such behavior.

It's NOT what happens to you but rather WHAT YOU DO ABOUT IT that determines if you get justice or not. Mullahs, not Americans, influenced these men to do what they did.

Obama has revealed an empathy for terrorism.

EDIT TO ADD: Making excuses for the terrible performance of Democrats by saying that the Republicans did X or Y reveals that the person using that argument recognizes Republicans as the standard by which performance is to be measured. Works swapping Democrat and Republican or men and women and so on.......
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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