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Old April 24, 2024, 01:36 PM   #14
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Join Date: June 15, 2008
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If the threat is indoors my shotgun is the LAST gun I'd pick up. There is no place inside my home for a shot longer than 20' and in most places the range could be measured in single digit feet. Too easy for an intruder to get their hands on most any long gun and at the least make it unusable. At worst take it away from you. I have handguns with 20-30 round magazines with attached weapons lights for indoors. The ability to have a free hand is huge.

I have a PCC and 16" AR's that would be a better weapon indoors. They are lighter, shorter and have a tiny fraction of the recoil while holding 20-30 rounds. Adding just 2 more for a shotgun isn't that much of a gain. Even an 18" barreled pump shotgun is longer and heavier with recoil in the 300 WM range. About 6 times as much recoil as a 223. The only tactical advantage of a shotgun is the wide pattern that makes it easier to get hits. That is negated inside of 10-15 feet where the pattern would be only 2-3".

Where a shot gun shines is OUTDOORS and at ranges of 10-50 yards. The 2-3 foot patterns with buckshot at those ranges greatly improve the hit probability at those ranges. Especially on moving targets. If that were the case, then I'd pick my shotgun. And I'd be indoors behind cover firing outdoors. Much more time to reload. And I do have 20 rounds of buckshot and 10 slugs readily accessible and stored near the shotgun.
"If you're still doing things the same way you were doing them 10 years ago, you're doing it wrong"

Winston Churchill
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