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Old November 4, 2009, 11:25 PM   #12
Senior Member
Join Date: November 1, 2009
Location: North Mississippi
Posts: 125
I went through a roadblock a while back. I dont have a permit, but always keep a couple guns in the car. I keep my kel-tec in a little pocket on the left side of my seat, assuming it was hidden from view due to the fact that its seems tucked pretty tight, and its in a 350z, which is by no means roomy. So the patrolman asks for my license. Then asks for my insurance card. Looks at both, then as he hands them back to me says "and the next time you go through a damn roadblock you let the officer know you have a gun in your car. For my safety and yours both, I dont wanna look beside your seat and see a .380 sitting there. Now I know you have a right to bear arms, but you need to keep that thing in the glove box."

I was really caught off guard, and just sheepishly said "yessir officer". Then I thought man this guy really knows his guns to recognize it was a .380 from just looking at the backstrap, and being in the dark. Then I got to wondering... is it technically legal to carry a gun in your car in plain sight, or only if its hidden in a glove box or something??
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