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Old July 3, 2006, 08:00 PM   #21
281 Quad Cam
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Join Date: June 15, 2002
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M. Ayoob may have said that, but he is also aware of the fact that there is no department in America that requires its officer's to carry empty chamber, and I suspect not one of them does. As has been stated, while it may not seem like alot of time, in most cases it is enough for a bad guy to clear 25 or more feet before you can perform it.

What about the big scary guy walking down the sidewalk in your direction? Are you going to draw and rack on an innocent man when hes 25+ feet away just incase? Otherwise what if you are practically brushing shoulders by the time big ugly makes a move on you? Your first sign there was any trouble, is being thrown by a large man. Now perform your draw-rack while flying, rolling, or being kicked.

perhaps the first sign of trouble is being maced, being hit with a bat, getting nailed by a blackjack. Why on Earth would a criminal advertise his intentions when he can just strike an unsuspecting victim? Well... it doesn't happen very often. So yeah... ambush fever - the belief that crooks, rapists, and kidnappers don't shout "I'm gonna rape and murder you!" from 20+ yards away.

Lets try a drill,
I don't tell you we are running a drill, or introduce myself. I stand next to you, mace you, straddle you and begin to whale on you while your arms are immobilized... When I choose to stop, and move on to robbing you or stuffing your girlfriend into the back of my van, you perform your draw and rack - and than decide if it is a gross or fine motor movement. Ofcourse, if I haven't rolled you around enough to discover the gun. (No hard feelings meant, but a cold brutal portion of reality is sort of why we are carrying these things to begin with.)

No, a loaded chamber will not save you from the above, but it could prove to be one less impediment on the worst day of anybody's life.
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