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Old December 11, 2007, 03:00 PM   #18
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Join Date: July 5, 2007
Posts: 463
I've posted this before, and perhaps this may help you some. I had only a little money to spend about six months ago, and ended up buying a Taurus 627 (.357 Tracker). I was also looking at the Ruger GP100, SP101 and others that are almost in the same price range (but more expensive than the Taurus).

I read hundreds of forum rants on the pro- and anti-Taurus sides. What I discovered is this:

(1) Don't listen to people who sound overly bitter -- they're rounding farther down than they ought to

(2) If you post "which is better, S&W or Taurus?", you'll get a hundred S&W bigots telling you how crappy they heard a Taurus was one time

(3) If you post "what do you think of the Taurus 66?", you'll get a hundred people who own/owned one and thought it was great

(4) Don't listen to people who tell you Taurus is the best since sliced bread... they're rounding up farther than they ought to.

As has been said, you can buy it... test it out a lot... have it serviced (albeit slowly, so I hear) if it's broken, and accumulate confidence. On the confidence issue, would you want to be implicitly confident in a S&W that you didn't practice with, vet carefully, and service when problems were discovered? Didn't think so.

No firearm, no matter what the reputation, is worth trusting it only because of the name. If you're going to be vetting a firearm heavily, then brand-confidence won't matter, because you'll be following that up with empirical evidence.

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