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Old August 12, 2002, 06:03 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: May 27, 2001
Posts: 229
Don't do business with Cal's Sporting Armory

Just a heads up on these guys - unfortunately, the thread has been deleted from HKPRO, but apparently they have appointed themselves ATF watchdogs. The discussion stemmed from Robert Johnson's ad there for USP hicap magazines. He also posts here periodically and basically sells dirt cheap, preban, unmarked mags. Apparently Cal's questions the legality of his USP mags and admitted that they call the ATF whenever they find someone selling mags they don't think are legit. Apparently, this is anyone who is selling them cheaper than them, as Robert's prices are around 40% less than what Cal's sells for.

I encourage everyone here who considers themselves a "shooter" to avoid Cal's at all cost as well as recommend the same to others as well.

Is there the possibility that these mags are really postban mags intended for non-US markets (and therefore not marked LEO) as Cal's claims? Sure, it is possible, and they quantity they have been appearing in lately is somewhat strange. However, is it Cal's job to be an ATF watchdog? Do you want to buy from a company that thinks they should be? In addition, the law states that LEO marked mags are illegal for civilians to own. The onus is on the manufacturer and/or importer to mark them. If they are unmarked, according to the law, they are perfectly legal for us to own. I'm also pretty sure that Robert is not the importer of these mags, so even if some of them did turn out to have been manufactured after 9/94 (with no way to prove it without markings) he is clear of the law as well - yet Cal's still sees fit to call the ATF down on other's like him.

So... avoid Cal's and buy from Robert- he uses his real name on every board I've seen him advertise on. If you want, feel free to email Cal's and let them know that you do not support ATF stool pigeons.

[email protected]
[email protected]

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