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Old August 14, 2002, 09:21 AM   #21
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Join Date: May 27, 2001
Posts: 229
I see, so those of us who are skeptical of this "manna from heavan" are idiots for being skeptical?

Whatever. Some of you are incredibly naive. I've got a USP and though I'd love some more high-caps for it, 2 rounds isn't worth $$$$$ & prison time for me.

Just remember what the ATF did to Bob Stewart and his kits - 8 hours in a machine shop to turn his kit into a rifle, and he was found guilty. You expect them to play by the "rules" if they can make a high profile example of someone given the chance? Especially during an election year? Especially when some gun-grabber needs an excuse not to let the ban lapse? Puh-leeeze.

Wake up.

You're missing the point here... Your personal decision whether or not to buy these mags is a completely different issue than one retailer ratting out another to the ATF, when, according to the letter of the law, that retailer absolutely has done nothing illegal. What makes it worse is that CSA sells the exact same mags they were complaining about - so... they are not even arguing the existence of the preban mags in general, but only that of their competitor's.

Your argument states that the anti-gunners want a high profile case. Please explain how you think that Cal's ratting out other dealers does not play right into their hands in this regard?

Your argument also brings up the Bob Stewart case. You don't say it outright, but you seem to be hinting that you think Bob should not have been guilty. FWIW, I agree - any professional machinist can probably turn a solid block of steel into something capable of firing a blank in 8 hours. So, in your comparision, you have a guy, who we agree did nothing illegal, convicted of selling unserialized firearms with an FFL. In the current topic, we have retailers who are selling these mags, who according to the law have done nothing illegal. Cal's calling the ATF on them does nothing but increase their chances that they will become the next Bob Stewart. How exactly do you not think this hurts the firearms community? Policing our community from within is one thing - I think people giving a heads up to others when they see an illegal firearm/mag/etc. sale is one thing (as long as they have the proof to back it up - which IMO, Cal's doesn't). This prevents someone from unknowingly buying an illegal item. Calling in the authorities is something completely different, and plays right into the anti's hands.

You also basically say "you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't" in your argument - that the ATF will "find" something if they get a big enough burr in their ass. Once again, how does Cal's calling the ATF's attention to other retailers in our community help this? Even if the ATF cannot prove these mags are illegal, according to your argument, there is the possibility that they will "find" something else wrong - basically screwing people like Robert regardless of whether or not they did anything wrong.

Once again, my argument is not really trying to convince you to go out any buy these mags, although the legal issues, by nature of the charges did need to be explored. My argument is that it is wrong for one retailer to call down the wrath of the authorities on another dealer (especially when it appears they aren't really doing anything illegal, and even more especially when their motive of eliminating their competition seems so transparent). To do such just increases the chances of what you are saying we should avoid - that is a high profile case and more bogus convictions.

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