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Old August 4, 2007, 06:19 AM   #21
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My grandmother swears that the guys making meth and growing pot in appalacia are from the same families that made moonshine for decades. The names are the same, it's only the product that has changed.

It doesn't take that much imagination to believe that the profit to be made in the drug trade is a major part of the reason that people get so worked up about their territory. What's harder for most people to understand is that supply and demand works for the drug market as well as any other. Bringing law enforcement pressure on the supply side only drives prices up, it does nothing to address demand.

There is an argument to be made that if the govt spent a little more money on mental health clinics they might not need to spend quite as much on jails. But people like putting "bad guys" in jail and hate paying for anyone elses healthcare.
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