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Old April 8, 2002, 06:06 AM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: October 13, 2000
Posts: 216
I don't carry a gun anyways. I've lived my life just fine without doing so. I do own a rifle, but I feel no compelling need to strap on a pistol as a daily ritual.

I've been present at the before and after (never the during) of several gunfights, and have seen the blood and heard the screams. I'm fortunate enough to have been blessed with a good sense of timing and removed myself from the scene during the "before" phase of these incidents.

I've put myself in harms way on several occasions, and on those occasions I was armed. To me, the gun was a mission specific tool, nothing more.

I also remember that a gun does not make one invincible. Thus my preference to show the better part of discretion and leave, rather than stay and fight.

Considering how I've managed to survive to middle age without using a gun in anger, I'm quite confidant in my ability to do so in the future.

BUT...this doesn't mean that I'm going to deny myself the means of safely carrying and concealing a pistol if I feel the need to do so.

To quote myself:

...despite it being illegal in their state, that they carry concealed.

The state I live in is (for all intents and purposes) one of these states.

Thus, the option of a CCW license is a non-option.

And to just stick a gun in my pocket (illegally) would be foolishness.

Would you go to a war-zone without having first practiced your camouflage skills? If you do, you die.

While not that extreme, it IS similar in that you must avoid detection (of your gun) by the enemy (criminals and, unfortunately, the cops too).

I would much rather try explaining to a cop why I have a weighted wood object with nudie pics glued to it in my possession, than an illegally concealed Glock 30 with a magazine of Glasers.

One will get me funny looks and possibly a lecture.

The other will get me jail or prison, plus loss of my privilege to even OWN a firearm, let alone carry one.

So, vesuvius, I'm glad for you that you live somewhere where you can get a CCW license. My topic is directed at those who don't.

As for training...been there, done that. It's not the use of the weapon that I need practice in, but the concealing of it. I never had to do that in my previous experiences.

Striderteen, what's a great idea? The psuedo-gun? Or vesuvius's suggestion? Clarification would be appreciated.

I'm sure this idea probably seems silly to some (or most) people here. But quite frankly, I don't care what you think. I'm sharing what I know and hopefully providing some originality to break people out of the rut of conventional thinking that we all tend to slip into.

Where would we be without the occasional "from left field" idea to shake things up, eh?

And I'm sure if someone here feels that they can't make their own point clear, they'll just simply sign up as a new member and post a couple of "Ooh, ooh! You're absolutely right! We should all bow to you!" kind of posts and then say "Hmm... I suspect something" to cast dispersions against me.

I haven't forgotten what one of you did in an earlier topic of mine, and I feel nothing but contempt for you and all other pathetic cowards of your type.
(\ /)Those who seek power are not to be trusted with it.
(< >) Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America
(")V(")The Bunny has been Terminated!
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