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Old December 17, 2002, 02:46 AM   #22
Cookie Monster
Join Date: November 12, 2002
Location: Earth
Posts: 18
The Mexi Spec Ops have already penetrated behind the lines here in the gritty industrial Nort. They have taken over the lawn care industry, restaurant service workers industry, the slaughterhouse worker industry, and many, many factory jobs. Work is . . . GETTING DONE! Businesses are . . . BEING PRODUCTIVE. This must stop.
Quite funny, and I agree that the standard "illegal" is rather harmless until you add into the equation that the same guy who is mowing your lawn is driving a car with no brakes or insurance after a sixpack of Tecati's, and his wife and elderly parents are recieving welfare checks from a system they don't pay into. His kids are taking up class space and taking teaching time away from your kids who are Americans and whose parents pay school taxes. You see, its not just the lure of better jobs, its the lure of our massive social welfare state and being able to do whatever you want with the only penalty being deportation, maybe, only to sneak back in again.
My family came here LEGALLY before the days of the welfare check and government forms being printed in multiple languages. Letting these people in is a grave insult to a country of immigrants who risked everything to become LEGAL citizens of the United States.
You want to stem the flow of illegal immigrants then take the Tombstone Milita to DC and set fire to the social welfare state, watch it burn and bury the ashes in a deep oceanic trench. Then you reinstate the old migrant visa system so that laborers and farm hands can still work seasonally and then return with all those greenbacks to their villages and families south o tha border.
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