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Old April 26, 2008, 09:09 AM   #27
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Join Date: June 16, 2004
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All of you Chairborne Rangers can go back to reading your SWAT magazines and playing Counter Strike. Unless you have actually BEEN in a gunfight, you have absolutely no say in how they should be conducted. These 4 decorated offciers had ZERO shootings throughout their thousands of arrests, and tens of thousands of stop and frisks in high crime neighborhoods. They followed a thug who just made a comment to "get his gun" to his car, and when approached by the undercover, he rammed the cop while his other thug passenger reached for what was perceived to be a weapon. He then rammed the police van that came behind him, then rammed it AGAIN as he continued to flee. The WHOLE SHOOTING was over in 12 seconds. Ever hear gunfire outside a range with your hearing protection on? Deafening gunfire, flashes from the guns AS WELL AS reflections of gunfire off the glass of the car, smoke, screeching tires, smashing cars, ALL in 12 seconds AFTER your partner yells "He's got a gun" and is hot by a car and you're gonna start counting rounds? One of the thugs (all 3 had extensive records, involving guns and drugs, and don't tell me experienced street cops can't tell a thug with prison time behind him) was hit 16 TIMES and still lived. How good is your aim when you're shooting at a moving target? And the number of shots fired is irrelevant. Cops are trained to shoot until the threat is over, not to count their rounds. How many shots will YOU fire when you 100% believe that you're about to die and your wife is about to be a widow and your kids orphans?

It all comes down to who you believe. Do you believe the 3 recidivist felons with the 50 million dollar lawsuit, who'se testimony changed every time they opened their mouths, or 4 decorated detectives with not one shooting between them?

Typical thug behavior is what this shooting off the ground. Homicides are UP 26% SO FAR this year in NYC. Seems the cops don't trust the public to support them when dealing with the savages out there. Thank God I'm retired. Let them kill each other.
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